Welcome to The Long-termist's Field Guide, a newsletter about your role in the next 1,000 years – and how to prepare for it.
Insights to transform the way you see deep time and the future
People, projects, events and stories inspiring long-term thinking
‘Long-terminology’: new vocabulary and ideas to unlock a deeper view of time
Sign up above for monthly (or so) updates, and please tell your friends and fellow long-term thinkers.
Also, do get in touch if you have questions, suggestions, events or ideas: richard.fisher@gmail.com. If I’ve learnt anything about long-term thinking to date, it’s that it is a collaborative endeavour (and after all, I might not live to 1,000 years). I’d love to hear from you!
—> Read the introductory newsletter <—
(Image: Jossuha Theophile/Unsplash)